Tattoo Removal
Offered at our convenient location in Raleigh, NC

- Change the dressing once daily after first gently cleansing the area with mild soap and tepid water.
- Keep the area moist with antibiotic ointment at all times beneath a dressing of nonstick gauze and surgical tape.
- Avoid sun exposure in treated area. When treatment area is exposed to the sun use a thick layer of 30+ SPF sunblock with zinc oxide and reapply every 2 hours.
- A cool compress may be applied over the bandaging if desired.
- Tylenol is recommended for discomfort if needed.
- Sun exposure, including tanning beds and the application of sunless tanning products, must be avoided for 2-4 weeks before and after the treatment (avoiding sun exposure for 4 weeks before each treatment and 4 weeks after may improve the result and decrease the risk of adverse event). Sun exposure (including running, hiking, surfing, gardening, sports, etc.), tanning, and sunless tanning products decrease the effectiveness of the laser treatment and increase the chance of post-treatment complications including skin discoloration (darker or lighter) and scarring. Sun avoidance in the treatment area is recommended throughout the entire treatment series (no sun before, after, or between treatments).
- Area to be treated must be clean, and free of any lotion, makeup, and sunscreen. If you have any of these products on, they must be completely washed off prior to treatment.
- Accutane and any other photosensitizing medication should be discontinued for a period of at least 6 months prior to receiving treatment and should not be used during your course of treatment.
- Waxing and/or the use of chemical depilatories must be avoided in the treatment area for 2 weeks before and after the treatment to avoid skin sensitivity.
- If there is dark hair or prevalent vellus hair (peach fuzz) in the treatment area, you must shave the hair 12-24 hours prior to your appointment.
- You may not be pregnant for any treatment.
- During the course of your treatments, notify our staff of any changes to your medical history, health status, or personal activities that may be relevant to your treatment.
- Immediately after treatment, “frosting,” redness and swelling are typical. Pinpoint bleeding may occur.
- Although blisters and scabs can be a normal response to tattoo removal, some patients will not experience them. In the case that you do, it is important to not pop them or pick at them. If the blister pops on its own, continue to apply post treatment products to promote healing and prevent scarring.
- Do NOT pick, peel, rub, scrub, or scratch at the skin in the treatment area throughout the healing process. If crusting occurs, do not shave or pick area.
- Physical exercise that causes perspiration should be discontinued for at least 2-7 days after treatment as excessive perspiration may disrupt the healing process.
- No swimming or using hot tubs/whirlpools until the wound heals.
- Some patients want to lighten their tattoo for the purpose of a cover-up; other patients want to remove their tattoo completely. Results are subjective; treatment is complete when satisfactory results are obtained and/or when treatment is no longer medically indicated (no treatable ink present).