Intense Pulsed Light (Ipl) Treatment
Offered at our convenient location in Raleigh, NC

Intense Pulsed Light (Ipl) Treatment: What To Do After Your Treatment
• Expect your skin to appear pink (resembling mild sunburn) for a few hours after treatment.
• You will be given a cool compress to apply after treatment.
• Make-up may be applied to cover redness as needed.
What To Expect
• Your skin may be temperature sensitive for several days after treatment.
• Brown spots and freckles will appear darker while healing.
• It will take 4-6 weeks to see the full result and 2-3 treatments may be required to achieve an optimum result.
• The sessions are designed to provide no downtime however, occasionally you may find that your cheeks and under eye areas are slightly puffy after treatment. You may use cold compresses (5 minutes on and 10 minutes off) several times an hour to help ease both redness and swelling.
• Sleeping with your head elevated for the first night will also help decrease any swelling you may experience.
• Blistering and crusting are rare; however, if these do occur a thin layer of over-the-counter antibiotic ointment such as Polysporin® can be applied 2-3 times a day for 3 days. Please call us if you experience either of these uncommon reactions.
• Hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin colour) can occur in some skin types. Please call us if you experience this uncommon reaction.
After Care
• Use mild cleansers and moisturizers.
• Avoid Aspirin, Ibuprofen, alcohol, heavy exertion and activities which may cause flushing for 2 days after treatment
• Avoid harsh topical products such as retinols and glycolic acid products for one week after.
• Avoid direct sunlight on the treated area and use a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen of SPF 30 or greater for 4 -6 weeks after your treatment.
• Anticipate some social down-time following your treatment.
- Do NOT PICK or SCRATCH at skin during healing
Maximizing Benefits Of Your Treatment
• Avoid direct sun exposure if possible. Protective wear or shade skin if outdoors.
- Wear sunscreen daily
- It is recommended to have a good skin care regimen including Vitamin C serum in the morning and resuming a retinol/retin-A product after one week.