Silhouette Instalift Post Procedure
Offered at our convenient location in Raleigh, NC

What To Expect
After treatment, a slight edema or bruising may occur. Sometimes, a slight depression or skin irregularity may appear at the insertion points. These typically disappear a few days after treatment.
Banding may appear, which is normal and should not cause major concern; this should resolve with time. Applying warm water compresses and time will resolve any banding issues.
Recovery is generally quick, with most patients returning to work the next day.
- Apply cold packs immediately after procedure if required (should be wrapped to avoid direct contact with skin and insertion points).
- You may wash your hair and face with very gentle upward and outward motions that lift the skin in the same directions as the sutures lift the skin.
- Do not rub face aggressively when washing, shaving, and drying face for 5 days; be gentle.
- Acetaminophen may be taken in case of pain (2-3 days).
- Refrain from applying make-up for as long as possible. Make-up may be gently applied after a minimum of 24 hours.
- Avoid picking and manipulating the suture at the procedure site. This can cause more bruising, infection, the perforation of the suture through the surface of the skin.
- Sleep face-up, elevated on pillows for 3-5 nights.
- Avoid excessive neck and facial movements for 2 weeks. This includes excessive chewing, talking, yawning, smiling and other complex facial movements. Try to have a “resting face” as much as possible following the procedure.
- Avoid participating in high impact sports (example: running) for 2 weeks.
- Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and UV light for 2 weeks.
- Do not use saunas for 3 weeks.
- Avoid dental surgery for 3 weeks.
- Avoid facial or face-down massages and facial aesthetic treatments for 4 weeks
When To Call
- If you experience increased redness, fever or drainage from the thread site
- If a thread begins to poke through the skin