Renuvion Post Care Instructions
Offered at our convenient location in Raleigh, NC

- 1 After Procedure
- 2 Diet
- 3 Physical Activity
- 4 Elastic Compression Garments
- 5 Discomfort / Pain
- 6 Dizziness and Fainting
- 7 Fainting at the Sight of Blood
- 8 Fainting after Urination
- 9 Managing Post-Op Drainage
- 10 Wound Care & Bathing
- 11 Antibiotics
- 12 Nausea
- 13 Burns and Infection
- 14 Temperature Elevation
- 15 Swelling
- 16 Irregularities and lumpiness
- 17 Medications
- 18 Itching
- 19 VTE (Venous Thromboembolism)
- 20 Numbness
After Procedure
You should not plan to drive yourself home. It is recommended that you have a responsible adult at home with you on the day of surgery.
We encourage you to drink plenty of water post treatment. Try to avoid large consumption of salt or high sodium foods following the procedure as this increases swelling.
Physical Activity
Quiet rest is recommended for the first few hours immediately after surgery. Do not drive or operate hazardous machinery for 48 hours after surgery, longer if you’re taking medication which can make you drowsy such as oxycodone or codeine and/or you have pain or restricted movement that may affect your driving. Do not make any important personal decisions for 24 hours after surgery. 1-2 days after Vaser surgery you can engage in light physical activities we recommend lots of gentle walking. You may carefully resume exercise and physical activity 14-21 days after surgery. Try to limit large increases in heart rate for the first 4 weeks following surgery. It is suggested that you begin with 25% of your normal workout and then increase your daily activity as tolerated.
Most people can return to a desk job within 3-4 days after surgery, although one must expect to be sore and easily fatigued for several days.
Elastic Compression Garments
Garments are designed specifically for Vaser liposuction and Renuvion skin tightening to provide firm compression to help prevent bleeding and encourage maximum drainage of residual blood-tinged anaesthetic solution and swelling. Beginning 24 hours after surgery, the post-op garments can be removed daily to permit you to shower and to wash the garments, however try not to keep if off for longer than 30- 45 minutes each day. When you are not wearing it (i.e. washing it) try to rest and keep any movements minimal. This is especially important in the first 3 days as the compression helps the body form stable clots thereby reducing the chance of severe bruising and hematomas.
If you have been supplied with foam inserts these need to be worn under the garment as soon as possible once the majority of leaking had stopped, usually the next day. Antibiotic ointment is recommended to be placed on incisions to help them heal.
Patients having body procedures should wear the garment for a minimum of 6 weeks. If you are finding it difficult wearing the binder or garment please contact us as soon as possible. Many patients choose to buy a second garment for convenience. Depending on what areas you are having treated and how swollen you are you will be advised to wear your compression garment for 2-6 weeks. Garment wear is essential post operatively so if you have any concerns regarding your garment, please contact us immediately.
Discomfort / Pain
All individuals will have different levels of discomfort. Different areas will also have different levels of discomfort. Areas that prove difficult to rest such as the thighs due to sitting are usually more uncomfortable than say the chin or arm area. Hi/Mid definition on the abdomen is usually more painful than normal Vaser Liposuction.
You can expect it to some pain for the first 2-5 days after treatment and most likely you will require the prescribed painkillers. During the first 2-5 days we advise refraining for work and stick to gentle activities in or around the house. Short, frequent walking is encouraged when possible. After 3-4 days the discomfort usually settles substantially to a deep ache, akin to a strenuous workout. This then usually settles within 1-4 weeks. However, when applying pressure to the treated area or during vigorous activities you may still experience a mild dull ache for some months.
Dizziness and Fainting
Patients can sometimes experience some weakness and mild dizziness for a couple of days following treatment especially with larger areas treated. Try to take regular rest and don’t over-do things. It is not uncommon to have a brief sensation of dizziness when standing up, so do this slowly. Should dizziness occur simply lie down and bend your knees until it passes. More pronounced dizziness or even fainting can sometimes happen when you first take off your compression garment and stand up too quickly or take it off whilst standing. It is the result of rapid decompression of the legs after the post-op garments are removed. Again, should dizziness or faintness occur, simply sit or lie down and bend your knees until it passes. For the first 2-3 days it is recommended that you remove the garment when lying down, i.e. unclip it, lie still for a few minutes and then slowly stand up. If possible, ask someone to help you with the garment for the first couple of days.
Fainting at the Sight of Blood
Some people have a tendency to faint upon the sight of blood. Such persons should anticipate such a problem when removing blood-tinged absorbent pads when changing dressing after liposuction.
Fainting after Urination
On the morning after childbirth women have an increased risk of fainting if they stand up too fast immediately after urinating. This is known as post-micturation syncope. A similar situation occurs the after liposuction. You should stand up slowly after urinating. In order to avoid a serious injury from a fall, if dizziness does occur, you should sit or lie down on the floor immediately. It is recommended that you do not lock your bathroom door so that someone can come to assist if necessary.
Managing Post-Op Drainage
You should expect a large volume of blood-tinged anaesthetic (tumescent) solution to drain from the small incisions/drains during the first 24 to 48 hours following tumescent liposuction. In general, the more drainage there is, the less bruising and swelling there will be. The dressings and pads should be worn day and night over the wounds/ drains until 24 hours beyond the time when all the drainage has completely stopped. Additional pads can be purchased at the pharmacy or drug store.
Do not be concerned if you have drainage for several days (see wound care and bathing below). Leaks beyond the pads can occur. During the first 36 hours, when sitting or lying down, you should place absorbent terrycloth towels beneath you in order to protect your furniture from any unexpected leak of blood-tinged drainage. When there is a large amount of drainage, it is advisable to place a plastic sheet beneath the towel.
Wound Care & Bathing
Caring for your wounds and dealing with the leakage can be a little daunting in the first 1-2 days particularly if you are on your own. If possible, ask someone to help you, especially the first time you are changing the garment.
Keep incisions clean. Shower once daily starting 24 hours after your treatment. After thoroughly washing your hands gently wash the incisions with gentle soap. Afterwards gently pat the incisions dry with a clean towel. If the incisions are still leaking (i.e. in the first 1-3 days) apply some sterile gauze directly over the incisions followed by the absorbent pads. If the leaking is minimal, you will not need the pads just the sterile gauze. Use the tape to secure, if necessary, otherwise the compression garment can be used to hold the dressings in place. When an incision has ceased draining for more than a few hours , you can begin applying a sterile adhesive wound dressing. Change these as required with clean If you have any concerns with your wound healing, dressings, leaking or infection please contact us immediately.
Take the antibiotics as directed until the prescription is finished. Take the antibiotics with food. Call our practice if you notice signs of infection (see burns and infections below).
Nausea and vomiting are among the side effects that may be associated with liposuction or pain medication especially in the first 1-2 days. Nausea can be caused by pain, antibiotics, Lorazepam, IV sedation, Local anaesthesia , etc. Drink plenty of water or sports drinks but avoid fizzy drinks and juices. Eat when tolerated but stick to small, bland foods. After eating don’t lie flat immediately afterwards but try to sit or rest with your head elevated.
Burns and Infection
Infections are rare, but unfortunately infections are a complication of any surgery. Infection risk is reduced with the antibiotics supplied to you and taking care of your incisions (see above). All surgical incisions will be red, painful and may ooze some fluid immediately after surgery but they should improve over the following days.
Signs of infections may include:
- Redness worsening not improving, getting bigger, more painful, hotter and the area becoming harder.
- a yellow or green discharge develops
- wound produces an offensive odor
- you develop a fever If you think you are developing an infection contact us immediately.
While infections are most likely to develop around the incision sites they may also develop elsewhere so if you notice a spreading, red, increasingly painful, warm, hardening, area developing on your skin anywhere on you treated areas even away from your wounds, contact us immediately.
Burns again are very rare, blistering, skin breakdown and/or the development of small-localized dark (sometimes painful) red lesions within the treated area should also be reported immediately. If you have been fitted with drains see below for care instructions.
Please do not bath or swim until the wounds are dry and healed, normally about 2 weeks post treatment. Scar cream can be applied usually after 4 weeks. Creams with silicone are recommended.
Temperature Elevation
Slight temperature elevation during the first 48 hours after surgery is a natural consequence of the body’s reaction to surgical trauma. However, if you have any elevated temperature accompanied by signs of infection (see above) or a temperature over 38 C without further signs of an infection, especially if it develops more than 3 days after your surgery, you should contact us immediately.
The degree and duration of swelling differs from area to area and person to person. If excessive swelling persists for more the several weeks it can then start to interfere with cosmetic results. We therefore recommend everything possible to reduce its amount and duration. To reduce swelling it helps to self-massage the area with clean hands on the treated areas when possible (e.g. when showering. Lymphatic massages also help with post procedure swelling.
Most swelling maximizes at 4-6 days and then slowly resolves over a period of 2-6 weeks, when you will start to see the results. Following treatment on the abdominal area this will naturally feel tight and may cause you to want to curl forwards. Try to resist this and keep you back straight and chest out, with regular stretching (arching back). This may be quite painful and feel very tight. If the abdominal area has been treated it is not uncommon to develop swelling and bruising in the genital area. This is nothing to be concerned about as it resolves within a few days. Wearing the compression garment helps control the swelling (see above). To ensure that the area treated is compressed at all times in the first 2 weeks we recommend that a second garment is purchased to put on when the other is being washed. Wear the compression garment day and night for 2-6 weeks or longer if advised (except bathing and washing the garment). After 2-6 weeks try and wear it either during the day or night for a further two weeks or purchase a specific softer, shapewear second stage garment.
Irregularities and lumpiness
Some lumpiness or skin irregularites can occur and will usually resolve itself within weeks. Gentle self-massage to any lumpiness starting 2-3 days after your procedure will help with this. Wearing the compression garment will also help with any temporary irregularities. Treatments such as Velashape and/or lymphatic massage can help speed up resolution of irregularities and lumpiness.
For treatments on the abdomen and flanks try not to wear tight belts or trousers for 2-3 weeks as this could compromise the internal drainage of the swelling and hence the results. Please remember although results will start to become apparent at around 6 weeks when most of the swelling subsides it does take around 5-6 months to see the full results.
Avoid Aspirin and Ibuprofen For 3 days after surgery do not take aspirin or ibuprofen or similar NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as Ibuprofen. NSAIDS can promote bleeding by impairing platelet function. NSAIDS also depress the immune response to infection by impairing white blood cell function. Bruising Bruising can occur. The more extensive the liposuction surgery, the more bruising one can expect. Bruising is more common on the legs and some patients have more of a tendency to bruise than others. Arnica gel or ointment is very good for bruising.
Seromas and Hematomas Very occasionally you might get a build-up of trapped inflammatory fluid under the skin causing a soft palpable lump. This may be a seroma and might need to be aspirated. Sometimes you can experience a small bleed under the skin leading to a mass of clotted blood (called a hematoma). Sometimes, this may need to be aspirated or drained. While not a clinical emergency, it is best to manage these sooner rather than later so if you have any concerns about seromas or hematomas please contact the clinic during office hours so we can arrange an appointment
Itching of the treated areas several days after surgery may occur as part of the normal healing process. To help relieve the itching, you may try taking antihistamines such as Benadryl as directed on the packaging. Be aware that Benadryl causes drowsiness. You may also try using oatmeal soap. After the 14th postoperative day, provided that the incisions are well healed, you may soak in a bath with an oatmeal bath preparation. Benadryl and oatmeal products may be purchased at most pharmacies.
VTE (Venous Thromboembolism)
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and Pulmonary Embolism (PE) are very unlikely with this type of surgery. If you have been fitted with compression stockings wear these until you can freely start walking, usually 1-2 days after your Vaser. Drink plenty of fluids to keep hydrated. Do try to take short walks (even around the house) as often as possible. If you find yourself sitting for periods of longer then 1-2 hours at a time it is important to stand up, stretch and have a short walk. This is important for DVT prevention and it also helps with the swelling. If you can’t manage to walk, try rotating the ankles and wriggling the toes every 60 minutes or so. It is not recommended to fly long haul for 10-14 days or fly short haul for 3-4 days after your treatment. If you have had yourthighs or calves treated we may recommend waiting longer until you fly. If you have any concerns or issues regarding flying after your treatment, please contact us. If you notice some obvious swelling in your calf (usually one leg), deep cramp like pain and/or discoloration in your calf you may have a DVT so please contact us. If you develop sudden shortness of breath, sharp chest pain usually worsening on a deep breath, contact us immediately.
Numbness after Vaser liposuction or Renuvion skin treatment can sometimes occur for several weeks to months following. As the nerves to the area are traumatized and will then experience a temporary neuropraxia, a transient loss of nerve conduction. This usually resolves over the next 6-12 weeks, but depending on the area treated and type of Vaser performed (Hi Def etc.) it is sometimes longer. Do not apply any excessively hot or cold compression to the treatment areas after your treatment if your skin feels numb as this could lead to a burn.
For any concerns, please contact the office at 919 676 5052