Benefits of RejuVAnate
Offered at our convenient location in Raleigh, NC

- Reduce or stop stress urinary incontinence (i.e., you pee when you sneeze)
- Restore natural vaginal lubrication
- Improve orgasm and alleviate pain during intercourse
- Enhance sex for you and your partner
- Restore comfort when wearing tight clothing
- Enhance self-confidence and overall sense of well-being
How It Works
RejuVAnate tightens tissue using pulses of CO2 laser energy into the collagen layer of the vaginal mucous membrane, where concentrated thermal heating leads to “shrinkage” producing tightening of the vaginal wall. Tightening also occurs along the base of the bladder, which improves urinary incontinence During treatment, the energy gently heats the external and internal tissues, including the labia and vagina, causing these tissues to contract and prompting the deep layers of the skin to produce new collagen.
Who is a good Candidate for RejuVAnate?
- Women with mild to moderate vaginal looseness(laxity).
- Women who have not yet had a child but feel themselves “wide” inside.
- Women with laxity after childbirth who need a non-surgical tightening.
- Women with mild urinary incontinence.
- Women who wish to avoid a surgical procedure.
- Post-menopausal women with dry, atrophic changes in the vagina
What to Expect
Treatment is not painful, and no anesthetic is needed. If you have ever had a transvaginal ultrasound, the experience will be similar. Most patients feel only a mild, warm sensation as the wand is passed over the skin. You can return to your normal routine immediately. The entire process takes less than 20 minutes.
How Long Does Rejuvanate Last?
The recommended plan is 3 treatments spaced 4 weeks apart with a touchup at one year. Although everyone is different, most patients experience the desired benefit for at least one year or even longer. Follow up treatment can be performed to maintain the results. Results are typically noticed within a couple of days, although some patients may take up to two weeks.