Chin Liposuction

Offered at our convenient location in Raleigh, NC

Chin liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that uses suction to remove stubborn fatty tissue from underneath the chin and jawline. This smooths the area’s contour and treats a patient’s “double chin.” Referred to as submental fat, these deposits are often hard to shrink with diet and exercise alone. Liposuction procedures permanently remove fat cells safely, quickly, and effectively without the need for long incisions.

Dr. Amber Allen is a double board-certified cosmetic surgeon in Raleigh, NC who prides herself in performing safe and effective procedures that yield natural results. Her private practice, Allen Plastic Surgery, is fully equipped with the most advanced technology to help patients achieve their cosmetic goals. She attends private consultations with her patients to listen to and understand their concerns and create a procedure plan to address them.

To schedule a chin liposuction consultation with Dr. Allen today, please call our Raleigh office at (919) 676-5052, or fill out this convenient form.

The Submental Area of the Neck

There are subtle yet important aspects of the face that directly influence a patient’s perception of themselves. One such aspect is called the submental area, located just beneath the chin. This area tends to collect fat deposits with age and weight gain. In a survey of almost 2,000 American citizens, it was found that the majority of these patients have cosmetic concerns about their chin area. Many folks find it distressing to post photographs or selfies on social media because of excess submental fat. (1)

What Causes Submental Fat?

Patients may develop fat under the chin for many reasons including genetics, weight, dietary habits, poor posture, and the aging process. This location can be especially concerning because of its resistance to diet and exercise. Some patients have submental fat even when they are relatively fit, creating an insecurity that commonly impacts their emotional well-being and daily life. Chin liposuction addresses this concern directly by safely removing stubborn fat cells for good to slim the area and correct a “double-chin.” (2)

Benefits of Chin Liposuction

This procedure provides patients with many benefits including:

  • Smooth and flattering submental contours
  • Reduced double-chin and surrounding bulk
  • Defined and sharp jawline
  • Slimmer overall face shape
  • Proportionate facial angles
  • Increased personal self-perception
  • Improved confidence and self-esteem

Ideal Candidates

Candidates for chin liposuction typically have some amount of excess fatty tissue located in the submental area. They may experience a “double chin” effect when looking down or from other angles which causes distress or frustration. To qualify for this procedure, patients should be in good overall health with no serious underlying medical conditions. They should also have good skin elasticity and realistic expectations. If a patient uses tobacco and nicotine products, they should be willing to quit for an extended period before and after liposuction to avoid recovery issues.

To explore your candidacy for chin liposuction, please schedule an initial appointment.

Personal Consultation with Dr. Allen

Dr. Allen will perform a physical examination of the treatment area during your private consultation with us. This appointment will give you time to explore the procedure steps and prepare yourself for surgery. She will ask about your medical history and current medications before creating a custom treatment plan that addresses your cosmetic goals and desires. Next, she and her staff may complete the necessary blood tests to ensure you are in good health. After this consultation, a staff member of Allen Plastic Surgery will assist in scheduling your chin liposuction procedure for a later date.


Chin liposuction is an outpatient procedure. Patients should schedule time off of work and pick up all new prescriptions before their surgery date to reduce stress during recovery. They should also ask a trusted friend to accompany them to our surgery center and back home afterward.

Depending on the patient, they may also ask a responsible adult to assist and stay with them overnight after the procedure. Creating a comfortable space to rest at home can greatly improve a patient’s recovery period. This typically involves making easy-to-prepare meals and collecting plenty of entertainment to make the required downtime manageable.

Before a surgical procedure, patients should avoid:

  • Anti-inflammatory Medications
  • Certain Herbal Supplements
  • Using Tobacco/Nicotine Products
  • Drinking Alcohol

Chin Liposuction Procedure Steps

Dr. Allen starts this procedure process by marking your chin and the area underneath it to plan the new contours. Chin liposuction is often performed under local anesthesia and sedation, so she administers this to the neck and chin to numb the entire area. Depending on the type of liposuction used, she may infiltrate the submental area with tumescent fluid to break up the fat cells and provide additional comfort.

Once the area is prepared, Dr. Allen places very small incisions under the chin and near the bottom of each ear. She then inserts the liposuction cannula and strategically removes small amounts of fat. When she reaches the desired contour, she cleans the area and places a strap and compression bandages around your chin and neck. This helps to preserve your results and control swelling. The procedure typically takes 30 minutes to one hour to complete.

Recovery & Results

For most patients, chin liposuction recovery takes around 3 to 4 weeks in total. You may experience mild discomfort as the anesthesia wears off, but this usually subsides after 2 or 3 days. Dr. Allen provides instructions about how long you must wear your chin strap and compression bandaging. General swelling dissipates slowly throughout the next few weeks. You should avoid all heavy lifting and vigorous exercise until Dr. Allen clears you for these activities. Instead, take short and leisurely walks to optimize blood flow.

The results of this procedure are increasingly visible as your swelling goes down. After the first week, your chin and jawline contour is smoother and more defined. The submental area is slim and your double chin is no longer visible. Since liposuction permanently removes fat cells, you can maintain these results by sustaining a healthy weight through a nutritious diet and exercise routine.

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures

Renuvion Skin Tightening

After fat removal using liposuction, patients can be left with stretched or sagging skin. Renuvion is a cosmetic procedure that tightens the skin using helium plasma. Since this treatment is non-surgical, Dr. Allen can safely perform it in conjunction with liposuction to improve your results.

Formally referred to as J-Plasma, Renuvion uses both radiofrequency energy and helium plasma within one treatment to both heat and contract the skin and keep it cool. This allows the skin to tighten while staying cool to avoid any adverse effects from the radiofrequency. It utilizes very small incisions to insert an energy probe directly under the skin to heat it from the inside. This treatment complements liposuction procedures because it utilizes the same incisions that Dr. Allen creates to insert the liposuction cannulas. During your consultation, you can ask if you would benefit from this additional procedure.

Neck Lift

Patients with large amounts of excess skin and tissue in the submental area may be better candidates for a neck lift. This surgical cosmetic procedure tightens the skin around the neck after repairing muscles and removing sagging or bulky tissue. Often performed in conjunction with a facelift, a neck lift requires incisions around the ears and under the chin wherein Dr. Allen addresses and tightens the submental tissues. She may repair the platysma muscle that stretches around the neck to further contour the area. This procedure is more invasive than other skin tightening options, but it can garner incredible results for patients.

To learn more about the aesthetic treatments and surgeries offered at Allen Plastic Surgery, please read our blog.

How Much Does Chin Liposuction Cost in Raleigh?

Dr. Allen determines the cost of chin liposuction based on the patient’s needs and circumstances. To receive a customized and personal estimate, please schedule a private consultation. Call us at (919) 676-5052 or contact us online today. 


Is there an ideal age at which to receive chin liposuction?

Patients who undergo chin liposuction are typically in their 20s or 30s. In this age range, the skin typically still has good elasticity and does not require tightening. Patients who are beyond these age ranges often require a facelift or neck lift to achieve their cosmetic goals.

Is chin liposuction for male or female patients?

Both men and women can be good candidates for submental liposuction if they meet the requirements. This surgery is not gender-specific by any means.

Is chin liposuction a weight loss procedure?

No. Chin liposuction procedures are not substitutes for a healthy diet and exercise routine. They simply remove hard-to-reduce pockets of fat for patients. Losing or gaining weight after chin liposuction may negatively affect results.

Will I have visible scars after chin liposuction?

There is always the possibility of scarring with every liposuction procedure. That being said, surgeons place their small incisions in discrete and less visible areas to minimize scarring as much as possible.


  1. Baumann L, Shridharani SM, Humphrey S, Gallagher CJ. Personal (Self) Perceptions of Submental Fat Among Adults in the United States. Dermatologic Surgery. 2019;45(1):124-130. doi:
  2. Bhojwani A. Addressing the “Double Chin:” Trends in Submental Contouring. Journal of Dermatology & Cosmetology. 2016;1(1). doi: