Thigh Liposuction

Offered at our convenient location in Raleigh, NC

Thigh liposuction is a procedure that can remove amounts of fat from the thigh area, which can help provide a pleasing contouring effect to the leg. (1) This treatment is helpful because the thighs are one of the areas that can develop stubborn fat deposits. Even after medical weight loss, exercise, or healthy dieting, these fat deposits can remain. Because of the stubborn nature of this thigh fat, you may seek liposuction to contour the legs in a way that appears natural. After thigh liposuction, you can enjoy results that make clothes fit better, make weight loss efforts more evident, and inspire more confidence within the individual.

At Allen Aesthetic Surgery, we use modern liposuction techniques to address problem areas like the thighs. Dr. Amber L. Allen is a board-certified cosmetic surgeon who takes a skilled and artful approach to contouring procedures like these. Visit our office location in Raleigh, just off 540 near the North Ridge Country Club for a consultation–you can call (919) 676-5052 or fill out our online form to set a date. If you would like to brush up on the world of cosmetic procedures, we keep a blog where we feature different discussions and topics.

About Liposuction

Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure that will allow Dr. Allen to contour your legs. There are different liposuction techniques that can be used in the thigh area, each of which removes fat selectively, meaning they do not remove other tissues. (2) Not only can removing areas of excess fat in the thighs improve your confidence, but it can also decrease functional issues and infections. (2)

One technique for liposuction is called tumescent liposuction. The word “tumescent” itself means firm and swollen; this is a reference to the swelling effect that tumescent fluid has on the fat in the thighs. Once the fat has swelled, Dr. Allen can use a small, specialized tube called a cannula to suction out the targeted fat. (1)


There are many benefits that you may enjoy as a result of thigh liposuction:

  • Improved, more proportional body contour
  • Less chafing
  • Cellulite may be less visible
  • Increased confidence in appearance
  • Pants and other bottoms may fit better or be more flattering
  • Enhanced results from exercise and diet
  • Long-lasting results


If you experience stubborn fat in the thigh region that simply will not be reduced by regular exercise and healthy dieting, you are most likely a good candidate for thigh liposuction. However, Dr. Allen will determine if you are eligible for this kind of procedure. (1) Possessing certain traits can make thigh liposuction more optimal–Dr. Allen will consider your medical history as well as these traits:

  • You have an abnormal body contour caused by excess, stubborn fat
  • You are at or near your ideal weight
  • Your weight is stable 6-12 months before the liposuction
  • You have skin that is in good condition with sufficient elasticity (1)

Personal Consultation

You will attend a personal consultation at the earliest stage of the thigh liposuction process. During this personal consultation, Dr. Allen will meet with you one-on-one to discuss your aesthetic goals as they pertain to your thighs. It will be important to share your medical history with Dr. Allen at this time so that she can plan a treatment that is fitting to your situation. After an initial discussion, she will examine and assess the tissue of the thighs in the context of the hips and legs. Based on the findings during this evaluation, Dr. Allen will decide what liposuction technique will best address your thighs’ problem areas. She will fully communicate the procedure to you, as well as the preparation and recovery requirements. You will be encouraged to ask questions and share your concerns with her.

To schedule your personal consultation, call our Raleigh office at (919) 676-5052 or fill out our online form so that we can get you started as soon as possible.


Dr. Allen will walk you through the preparation steps after your personal consultation at the office. She will most likely recommend that you eat a light breakfast on the day of your procedure. However, if your procedure is going to require IV sedation, Dr. Allen will advise that you do not eat at all before your appointment. Further preparation will involve:

  • Avoiding medications and supplements that may cause blood thinning
  • Adjusting other medications as per Dr. Allen’s recommendations
  • Preparing your home with anything you may need during your recovery period
  • Arranging transportation to and from the appointment
  • Requesting adequate time off from work

If you would like to know what the thigh liposuction preparation process will entail in more detail, we have listed general liposuction pre- & post- instructions on our website.


The condition of your skin, the location of stubborn fat deposits, and the size of these fat deposits will determine the intricacies of your thigh liposuction procedure. However, Dr. Allen carries out most typical thigh liposuctions in the following steps:

  • Administer tumescent fluid
  • Wait 10-15 minutes for the fat to swell
  • Make cannula entry sites with small incisions in discreet areas
  • Use the cannula to selectively suction out the targeted fat
  • Close the incisions and apply protective bandages or compression garments (1)


Your recovery will be unique to you and your body, but there is a basic timeline to keep in mind when planning for your procedure. For the first few days after the procedure, Dr. Allen will recommend that you prioritize resting. However, it is still important that you try and walk or make subtle movements, as this will help promote healthy blood circulation as your body heals from your procedure. (3) After 2 weeks, you can return to work if it is a desk job or another low-impact job. However, if you will be lifting heavy objects at work, standing for long periods of time, or exerting any other types of strain on your body, you may need more than 2 weeks. It will be helpful to listen to your body and be attentive to your recovery needs. In these first 2 weeks, you will need to consistently keep your compression garments on your thighs. You will most likely feel soreness and swelling throughout your recovery, which can last over a month. After 4 weeks, you can practice light exercise again, and you should be able to return to all normal activities after 6 weeks.


After your thigh liposuction treatment, your thighs will appear slimmer and enhance your body’s natural curves. What’s more, the fat cells that Dr. Allen will remove during thigh liposuction will not grow back. This means that the results of your thigh liposuction are essentially permanent. However, it is important to keep in mind that some fat cells will remain in the thighs even after thigh liposuction, and these fat cells can still expand and cause the thighs to increase in size if you gain a substantial amount of weight. To help preserve your results and maintain a healthy lifestyle, Dr. Allen will recommend regular exercise and a mindful diet. The results of thigh liposuction will vary from patient to patient.

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures

Thigh Lift

A thigh lift can be done after thigh liposuction to address the loose skin that may result from the liposuction procedure. During this procedure, Dr. Allen gathers and trims the skin that may be hanging or sagging in the thigh region. This can help the skin appear more taut and will make the newly contoured thighs appear slimmer, firmer, and more youthful.

Tummy Tuck

If you are seeking thigh liposuction because the thighs were an area you were not able to tone with exercise and dieting alone, you may also be experiencing excess skin in the midsection. If you are, a tummy tuck can help eliminate this excess skin and some fat through surgical removal. A tummy tuck will result in a flatter, firmer stomach area. This contouring procedure will likely complement the new shapeliness of the thighs and contribute to an overall enhanced figure.

Cost of Thigh Liposuction in Raleigh, NC

Both the technique and the extent of your thigh liposuction procedure will make up your overall cost. The best way to determine this number will be to contact Allen Aesthetic Surgery by calling (919) 676-5052 or filling out our online form and requesting an appointment. Dr. Allen will need to know all of the specifics of your procedure before providing you with an accurate quote.


How long will it take me to recover from thigh liposuction?

It will be a total of around 6 weeks before you can fully return to normal activities. However, the recovery timeline is different for everyone.

When will I be able to walk after thigh liposuction?

We will actually encourage you to walk as soon as immediately after your procedure. This will help promote healthy blood flow, which is important during the healing process. However, you may experience soreness while walking and it is important to listen to your body and take it slow.

How long does the procedure for thigh liposuction take?

Thigh liposuction will most likely take around 1-3 hours, but this length of time can vary from patient to patient, depending on how much fat Dr. Allen must remove for the most effective contour.


  1. Bartow MJ, Raggio BS. Liposuction. PubMed. Published 2022.
  2. Di Pietro V, Colicchia Gianfranco M, Cervelli V, Gentile P. Medial Thigh Contouring in Massive Weight Loss: A Liposuction-Assisted Medial Thigh Lift. WORLD JOURNAL OF PLASTIC SURGERY. 2019;8(2):171-180. doi:
  3. Dhami LD. Liposuction. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery : Official Publication of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India. 2008;41(Suppl):S27-S40.