So the day has finally come and you’ve given birth to that beautiful new baby, bringing a wonderful life into the world to nurture into blooming adulthood. Congratulations on your exciting new journey, but it certainly came with it’s share of costs didn’t it? Outside of the sheer financial expense of raising a child, there’s also the wear and tear it puts on your body, and you probably feel like that tummy is never going to be the same again.
Introducing the “Mommy Tuck”
Getting a tummy tuck following pregnancy, or a mommy tuck as they’re commonly called, is becoming a more common trend. The falling cost of cosmetic surgery and a desire to maintain a youthful appearance through motherhood has seen more and more women asking for these treatments. It’s a great way to welcome yourself into your new phase of life while still looking your best. Like any tummy tuck this treatment removes the excess skin from and tightens the belly area.
Isn’t It Just Being Laziness? Won’t Exercise Fix It?
This is a common misconception amongst detractors of the mommy tuck. While you can certainly tone muscle and drop weight through diet and exercise, none of this is going to resolve the issues that come with pregnancy. The first is a simple case of excess skin that isn’t just going to vanish and be reabsorbed, and thus has nowhere to go. The other is a condition known as Diastasis recti, which refers to actual damage sustained by the body during pregnancy. This term describes a condition where the two sides of your abdominal wall that make up the ‘six-pack’ have spread to make room for the baby, and this isn’t going to fix itself.
What causes Diastasis Recti?
While you’re pregnant your body floods your system with hormones, one of those hormones allows the tissue that connects these two sets of muscles to thin and spread, making room for the baby. This is a common experience for all women during pregnancy, and usually doesn’t amount to more than 2 centimeters. In some women the spread is even larger, and this is the condition known as Diastasis Recti.
Is Diastasis Recti Dangerous?
Not at all, but it is rather unsightly and impossible to fix with diet and exercise. The thinner the wall gets the less its able to support holding in all your organs, and so your belly gets a paunched or pot-bellied look. This condition is often genetic in nature, and it is a perfectly natural result of pregnancy in some women, but you don’t have to live with it.
If you’ve recently given birth and are looking for a way to help you back to your pre-baby body, then it’s time to pick up the phone and give Dr. Amber Allen a call at Allen Aesthetic Surgery in Raleigh, NC. Their clinic has been helping new mothers enter this important phase of their life with a sense of confidence, beauty, and retained youth, and they can do it for you!